Whether you’re the owner of a small business, or the office manager of any business, you’ve got a lot to do, before you even get to the operations of the business itself. No matter what industry you might be in, running an office is a difficult task, with tons of moving parts, and a litany of responsibilities that must be met, before you can even think about turning a profit or operating at full tilt. The fact is that you must provide a strong, functional working environment for the people working within that office, and this often requires that you buy office supples, general business supples, take care of technology needs within the office, such as computers, phone systems, storage, printers and copiers, and of course, what else buy printer ink cartridges. This is the bane of the existence of many an office manager, no matter if you are responsible for running a real estate office, sales team, doctors office, or whatever else – office printer ink cartridges, and digital imaging office solutions as a whole are some of the most annoying parts of the job and something you rarely remember you need, until its already too late and its all gone! And without a strong vendor or supplier of business office supplies, it can leave you scrambling to buy office supplies from your local Office Depot or Staples – this is not something a well-run office needs, nor does their office manager. This is why every office should either have a subscription system in place, in which they automatically order their business supplies, or they have a vendor in place with whom they can get their business office supplies from at a decent cost, and at a constant, monthly rate. REM Office Solutions has been helping businesses with all their office supplies and digital imaging office solutions for years now! No matter if you’re running the local branch of a fortune 500 company, or a local doctors office, you need a team like them to ensure you can buy office supplies and hardware at a good price and get them when you need them – right to the front door of your office. When it cams to printer ink cartridges, this is a huge headache for people, even those who are just printing from home. REM can streamline the system and make things infinitely easier on you. Despite companies like them, office managers and customers are constantly making the same mistakes over and over again when they buy office supplies and office printer ink cartridges. In this article, we will be going over a few of the most common errors people make when they are in need of an ink refill.
Standard Yield Cartridges
One of the first and most common mistakes are purchasing standard yield cartridges. Most people don’t know this but cartridges are sold in a standard yield or high yield cartridge size. The standard yield is the least expensive option of the two, so many printer users think they are making a smarter buy when they choose the standard over the high yield. On the surface, that cheaper price point appears to be a good decision, but more often than not, the high yield cartridge is actually the better deal in the long run because it prints more pages at a cheaper operating cost. This is key to running a business, and as an office manager it means having to make less runs to the store in an emergency, and having to make less orders to your vendors. According to statistics, a high yield cartridge on average can get you 250% more pages and overall printing done!
The Wrong Cartridges
This is so common its crazy, and while it might seem hard to do – you would be surprised and have provably done it yourself before. But buying the wrong cartridge is so easy to do, especially when they all look the same and often the only thing thats different is the model number and the size of the connector port of the cartridge. This is why working with a vendor like REM Office Solutions who can store your previous orders, and will get you continuous access to your order, and will simply require that you resubmit that same order each time. This means you don’t have to remember that you need model 452-a and not just 452, next time you go to buy office supplies.
Ink Versus Toner Cartridges
All too often when it comes to ink and toner, most people use them interchangeably but they aren’t technically the same. With inkjet printers, that take ink cartridges it is best for occasional text documents, and more so suited towards color and photos. This doesn’t really suite most offices that simply print large documents everyday and aren’t even in need of color printing at all! You can save and also get a printer that works better for your need, by opting for a laser printer and toner cartridges. Laser printers use toner cartridges, which are best for printing text and color in high volumes, but don’t print photos very well. A little bit of research can save you tons in the long run.
Tri-Color Cartridges Versus Individual Color Cartridges
When you buy a cheaper or low cost color printer, generally not a good idea for those who have a business that relies on printing color photos, flyers and more, you will see that your printer might take tri-color cartridges, where the three main colors are all in one cartridge this isn’t a smart buy and its best to get a printer that takes separate color cartridges so that when one runs out you simply have to replace that one color. Otherwise, you are likely always in a position where you must replace the whole cartridge even though one or two of the colors still have ink available.
For more information on printers and ink cartridges be sure to contact REM Office Solutions today.